Sunday 24 March 2013

30 DAYS OF BIKING, Spring 2013

For those who are new to my Blogs & 30 Days of Biking, then I suggest you should read these 2 earlier blogs 30 DAYS OF BIKING & 'Autumn' 30 DAYS OF BIKING from last year.

Now if you haven't heard of it then here’s the site which tells more about this global event '30 days of biking story', quite simply it’s a pledge: Ride somewhere every day for 30 days then share your adventures online.

So why do I do this 30 days of biking? Well its more about me achieving a goal as before which I've succeeded (twice) & it was a struggle on both occasions but the 2nd one was an improvement on the 1st in performance & mileage, so thought I do it again to see if A. I still can (very much think so), B. I can do better, which is the main goal.

So in just over a weeks time I'll be starting the 30 Days of Biking on 1st April, now dependant on weather I'll be aiming to travel further than I have before at least once a week & hopefully there will be more sun & no snow by then. I will also be trying to record my travels, which will go on YouTube as well as log the rides on Endomondo.

And at the end of the month on the 28th April, I will be doing a 35 mile sponsored cycle ride 'Pedal for the J's' for J's Hospice. For me this is going to be a big one as I've never managed cycling that far or anywhere near that distance, so far 15 miles is the average for me & only once done 18 miles. So I've got to get some longer rides in during the 30 days of biking before the 28th.

Map of the route

But part of the ride is the sponsoring, it would be great if I get loads of sponsors to show support but also to encourage me more to actually complete the 35 mile cycle ride. It doesnt have to be much, so if you can please sponsor me at Dark Wolf Sponsors as it is for a good cause too.

I will be trying to do a daily account of my rides with logs, pics & hopefully video. So watch my blog for further updates as I am hoping it will be the best one so far...

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